OPTİM OBERMEYER PROJE Founded in 1989, OPTİM continues its activities with the main principle of “planning and projecting under its own responsibility”. OPTİM OBERMEYER PROJE Founded in 1989, OPTİM continues its activities with the main principle of “planning and projecting under its own responsibility”. OPTİM OBERMEYER PROJE Founded in 1989, OPTİM continues its activities with the main principle of “planning and projecting under its own responsibility”. OPTİM OBERMEYER PROJE Founded in 1989, OPTİM continues its activities with the main principle of “planning and projecting under its own responsibility”.


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Transportation Infrastructure

Kentiçi ulaşım etütleri, ulaşım master planları ve fizibilite
-Urban Transportation
-Rail Systems
- Karayolları
-Ports and Airports

Engineering Structures

Etüt, Proje ve Müşavirlik Hizmetleri
-Junction Design
-Çok Seviyeli Değişimler
-Eng. Superstructures


-Schools & Dormitories
-Shopping Zones
-Office building
-Special Purpose
-Sports Complexes

Environmental Engineering

- EIA (Environmental Impact Assesment)
- Sanitary Projects
- Treatment facilities
- Transmission lines
- Water supply and distribution
- Geodesic, cadastral, infrastructural studies and related surveying works

Energy Efficiency

-Energy Efficiency in Buildings
-Renewable Sources
-Green Building Certification

More information;

optim@optim.com.tr" or +90312 236 09 30

you can contact us.


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